YHWP – York History Working Papers, a new venture

If you’d like to get involved please email me at johnbibbyjohnbibby@gmail.com, ESPECIALLY if you have WordPress skills!

YHWP: What is it?  (DRAFT 1, JB incorporating ideas from Peter Hogarth)

YHWP: York History Working Papers

Karl Pearson’s Willhttp://yorkmax.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/The-Will-of-Karl-Pearson-1857-1936Biometrika-and-snuff-boxes-silver-gilt-teaspoons-family-medals-and-a-silver-prize-tankard-inscribed-Carl.docx



YHWP: What is it?

Aims: York History Working Papers will provide

  • an easy way to publish historical research (including work-in-progress as well as completed research) which will interest people in and around York,
  • a community to promote and discuss such works.
Hullo ello ello






h6h6h6 h7h7h7 h8h89h8 ljlkm lk\mzkm lkm The title of the webpage would go here.

This is the page’s title that shows up to people


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Even more content

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A link to our Divi page

Initial objectives: To establish

  • a coherent structure to manage and develop the project
  • a website for publishing the Working Papers and commentaries thereon.

Proposed Management structure: (1) An Editorial Working Group (EWG) to encourage, develop and publish the Working Papers; (2), a Supervisory Working Group (SWG) to oversee the project and do everything else. (Membership will overlap. We may also need a Website Working Group (WWG), as well as a “Friends” group to receive regular newsletters – at least monthly and whenever a new WP is published.)

Guidance for writers:

  • We encourage research on any topic relevant to the history of York and area.
  • Most WPs will be
    • between 2 and 20 pages long (1000-10,000 words)
    • easily readable; not necessarily like a formal academic paper
    • in Word or pdf format (although suitably documented videos, Powerpoint slides and databases are also acceptable)
  • Typically, WPs may go through the following stages:
    • Authors contact the EWG with a proposal and maybe an outline and/or first draft plus an image for use as an icon for the paper
    • The EWG appoints someone to assist the author(s) in developing the paper into acceptable final form
    • At least one EWG member recommends the paper for acceptance
    • The paper appears on the YHWP website. (Unless otherwise agreed, copyright status will be xxxxxxxxx, with authors retaining all rights of authorship.)
    • The EWG arranges suitable publicity together with the authors (e.g. press release, newsletter, …)

The website:

  • A suitable YHWP domain name will be selected (e.g. yhwp.com). This can be used as an alias/shortcut even if the website is hosted by e.g. YAYAS and/or YPS.
  • The home-page will include the following headings/links :
    • What we are, who we are,  and what we do
    • Guidance for authors
    • Recent papers (with summaries)
    • Links to all papers
    • How to contact us
    • History groups in York/Upcoming events
  • Each paper will receive a memorable shortform (e.g. yhwp.com/WP001 or yhwp.com/Smith001)
  • Papers can be downloaded or read online
  • Comments will be moderated and can be made either online or by email to e.g. yhwp.com/WP001
  • Data will be kept on Hits etc; annual reports will be issued and stored online
  • Authors and others will be invited to make donations to YHWP.